Gernandt & Danielsson advises in Bellman Group AB (publ)’s issue of subsequent bonds
Gernandt & Danielsson advises Bellman Group AB (publ) (“Bellman”) in its issue of subsequent bonds in a total amount of SEK 250 million, issued within an existing framework of SEK 1.5 billion in aggregate. Bellman Group have agreed to apply for admission of trading of the bonds at the corporate bond list of Nasdaq Stockholm.
Bellman Group is a civil engineering group that operates in rock blasting, excavation, haulage, and mass handling in Sweden, primarily in the Stockholm and Gothenburg regions, but also in the north and south of Sweden. The Group consists of Bellmans, which is a company active in machinery brokerage and haulage, Uppländska, which performs rockblasting operations, VSM, which carries out excavation work with large machinery, Samgräv, which is active in haulage, machine brokerage, mass handling and operation of own landfills, SÅCAB which is active in haulage and also owns a landfill south of Stockholm, Ivarssons Entreprenad, an excavation and civil engineering company mainly operating in the Gothenburg region, Norrvidinge conducting transport- and machine operations in the south of Sweden, Holmgrens conducting various types of ground work and Öhmans conducting various types of construction, road and rail road work primarily in the north of Sweden.
Gernandt & Danielsson has advised Bellman Group with a team consisting of partners Mikael Borg and Mikael Bolling, senior associate Rasmus Perdahl and associate Alexander Thörnberg.